Hot Singles
2 years ago

S2E25 - Plastic Beach, HEY WHAT, OK Computer

Twin terror is striking Hot Singles Towers as Boo's brother Declan joins us, brimming with the sheer audacity to bring along Radiohead's OK Computer, so we can talk about an era defining band. Also on the bill are the cartoons what make music of Gorillaz' Plastic Beach and just a really good new record in Low's HEY WHAT.

Next week, it's just the two of us, and we're covering DAFTSIDE (aka DARKSIDE aka Nicolas Jaar and Dave Harrington)'s random access memories memories and aya's im hole.

You can find Regs on twitter @regresssion and listen to their other podcast at

You can find Boo on twitter @boocanan, and find her visual art @designbyboo and her music at

You can find Declan on twitter @thejedahliker